dimecres, 7 d’abril del 2010

Easter Holidays

Hello everybody!

Today I will talk about some things that I did in the Easter Holidays. As you know we had a lot of work, so I couldn’t travel in any place.

First of all, on Saturday I slept a lot, because I was really tired of study a lot without any break-time during a lot of weeks. On Saturday’s afternoon, I went to Girona with my mother and I went shopping, I needed it! After that, in the night I went out with my friends around the village, because next day, on Sunday, I had to wake up early.

On Sunday, at nine o’clock in the morning, I left my house in Sant Pere and I went to Cistella, my grandparents village. As we do every year, we wanted to do some fritters (using fourteen kilos of flour!). After leave all the ingredients in my grandparents house, my grandfather said me if I wanted to go with him, and we went to Vilafant, and we saw the “gastronomic trade fair of the rabbit” like every year. After that, we returned to Cistella, and I kneaded a little bit all the mixture to help a little bit my brother that is the person who mixes it until the end. I spend all the afternoon making fritters, and I burnt my hand! In the night I went to SiKim in Empuriabrava because one group of my village was playing there and we wanted to listen them as every concert that they do.

During all the week I didn’t do anything interesting, the only things that I did was sleep until ten o’clock every morning, made the lunch every day and do a lot of work.

On Friday, my father, my mother, my brother and I met with all the people who work with my father and my mother and we had lunch all together and in the afternoon, we made fritters again, because they wanted to do some and nobody did not know how to do it.

On Saturday morning I finished all my work, so I had three days for enjoy and relax myself. On Saturday afternoon I went to Figueres with Laura Peña, we spend a nice afternoon there, and after that, we went to Castelló where at twelve o’clock of the night we took the bus direction Chic. I spend a really nice night to finish with the Easter Holidays.

On Sunday I stayed in home, watching television, sleeping and relaxing a lot, and more or less at seven o’clock I went with my parents to have dinner in L’Escala’s port. after walk one hour around the beaches. After that I went to the beach in Sant Pere Pescador with my brother and his friends while they were fishing.

And the last day, but not the less important was coming. On Monday 5th we wanted to celebrate my great-grandmother’s birthday, she did 102 years this day, but the night before the lunch with all the family she get ill and now she is at the hospital. I do not know what will happen, but I hope that she will get better in time, she is really strong.

Well, this is a “little” summary of my Easter Holidays, and I hope you have enjoyed them a lot, but with a happy ending! ;)
See you.


KST TEACHERS ha dit...

Good Heavens!! she is 102, congratulations, I hope she feels well now.

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