dimarts, 20 d’abril del 2010

Babysitter, "barman", ... something more?

Hello everybody!

Today I’m going to talk about my laboral life. I started “working” when I was fourteen years old. I started looking after a child. He was ten years old and I made classes to him. He’s my neighbour and now he’s doing 2nd of ESO. We enjoyed these summers a lot.

Every morning, we met at nine o’clock and I made some classes to him, including Maths, English, Catalan, Spanish, etc. In the afternoon we used to go to my swimming pool, to the beach, go cycling, walk, or simply, spend some time relaxing ourselves watching TV.

I spend two summers looking after him, the two years before being sixteen, the legal age to start a real work. Since this moment I started to save some money little by little and I realized how expensive live day after day is.

I did sixteen years old on 15th June of 2008 and I was able to start working harder and seriously. The first place that I worked and it’s still the first, because I did not worked in another place, is Mas Gusó. Mas Gusó is a place situated in Sant Pere – Sant Martí d’Empúries road where you can relax a lot. There is a really good atmosphere and also is a really touristic place. It has a restaurant, a wine cellar, a bar, a supplies shop, a fashion shop, Internet, and a lot of things.
This year I’m going to work again there for 3rd year. I work as a “barman”. I make cocktails, big ice creams, drinks, etc. Moreover, I go sometimes to the kitchen because my mother worked there and now I know how to make all the plates.

Last year I did the same summer working hours everyday because of the Research Project, but this year I’m going to do a split shift one of more or less nine hours. At the end of the day I feel really tired but it takes reward at the end of the month!I really like work there; there is a good atmosphere with all the employees and also with the employers. We often make parties during the night. We go to some pubs, to the beach etc.

I like have some working days in my life because is the only way that you start to realize how hard is live nowadays. In my house I never ask for money to my parents. They pay me the food and all the other things I need, I buy them by myself with my money. It is a good way to take responsibility with yourself and start to be independent from your parents.


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