dimecres, 28 d’abril del 2010


We can define this topic in three words: “SICK OF NOTHING”. Who is the person that does not have any friend who is complaining all the time about one or more illness?

Nowadays our society is full of people that every time they hear something related with an illness, think that they have all these symptoms and moreover, they start to become obsessed with it.

Hypochondriac people are persons who believe all the time that they have a hard illness or several illnesses at the same moment. Although medical diagnosis state that we are talking about some healthy persons, they will deny it and will continue believing that they are ill.
The reason of hypochondria is not known but some points that can influence in it are following:

  • Obsessive parents: All of our parents want the best for us, but sometimes their protection is not good. In some families parents try to protect a lot their daughters and sons and it made that in a future, these children maybe will have problems like that. They will be paying attention to their symptoms every minute of their lives, and these symptoms will have no important meaning.

  • Internet: A lot of people when are feeling bad or with some unknown symptoms, they start to look at the Internet for the cause of it. On the Internet there is a lot of forged information and also, maybe you will be looking to one illness that you don’t have and you will damage yourself.

There are a lot of famous people who are hypochondriacs, for example: Woody Allen, Andy Warhol and Charles Darwin.

What do you think about it? Do you think it is not true? I think that all of us are hypochondriacs but in different degrees. If you think that hypochondriacs do not exist... what happened around the world with Swine Flu? Everybody believed that they had all the symptoms and they were so good!


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