divendres, 30 d’abril del 2010

Accounting and finances

Hello! Today I’m going to talk about the degree that I want to do at the University. If I enter to it, I would like study Accounting and finances that is the same that Business Studies. It has changed its name because of Bologna Plan. I will study it in Girona.

Accounting and finances is the perfect degree for people who are interested in all the different areas of one company. After this degree, we will be able to negotiate and understand the economic and business information, analyze and synthesize it with scientific sense. Also, I hope we will be able to understand the reason of the problem of the business activity and solve all or some of them. In conclusion, we will be able to analyze complex business situations and give the correct answer for its solution.

The job opportunities of this degree can be manage one company, work in any department of all the companies, work in a consultancy, in an audit, in public administrations, economist of the state and things like that.

If I don’t enter to this degree because of the mark (is difficult because it’s a five), or maybe because of the number of students, I don’t know! I will do Management and Direction of Business, also known ADE.

The only thing that it’s missing is decide if I will go everyday by car or train or I will rent a flat in Girona, I don’t know it yet! I will do it with Ariadna Julià and maybe we will do some of our subjects in English, and we will continue improving our English level day after day.

I hope start well this new period of my life and that everybody chooses the correct way taking account that is a difficult decision for some of us.

See you!

dimecres, 28 d’abril del 2010

Necessity or dependence?

There is no day that that we do not use any technology like computer, mobile phone, television, mp3, and things like that.

In my view, we are so dependent from all these new technologies. Few months ago we could saw this dependence with the historical snowfall here, in Catalonia. A lot of places around the zone did not have electricity, we have been cut off from the rest of villages and we could not move from our houses.

With this blackout we could improve that we cannot live without mobile phones, computers, and specially, electricity, that is the same say, new technologies.

Moreover, if one day we miss our mobile phone in any place, and we usual use it every day, will be difficult for us spend one day without it, so it means that live without all these comforts make our life harder. By the way that they made easier our life with their appearance, their disappearance make our life harder again.

To sum up, I would like to say that we have to decrease our use of all these new technologies. Although is hard to get out of the habit, we have to try it, because nowadays we are living as if our life had been molded by them. Think about that: is necessity or dependence? I think we are so far from necessity, we are abusing a lot of new technologies.


We can define this topic in three words: “SICK OF NOTHING”. Who is the person that does not have any friend who is complaining all the time about one or more illness?

Nowadays our society is full of people that every time they hear something related with an illness, think that they have all these symptoms and moreover, they start to become obsessed with it.

Hypochondriac people are persons who believe all the time that they have a hard illness or several illnesses at the same moment. Although medical diagnosis state that we are talking about some healthy persons, they will deny it and will continue believing that they are ill.
The reason of hypochondria is not known but some points that can influence in it are following:

  • Obsessive parents: All of our parents want the best for us, but sometimes their protection is not good. In some families parents try to protect a lot their daughters and sons and it made that in a future, these children maybe will have problems like that. They will be paying attention to their symptoms every minute of their lives, and these symptoms will have no important meaning.

  • Internet: A lot of people when are feeling bad or with some unknown symptoms, they start to look at the Internet for the cause of it. On the Internet there is a lot of forged information and also, maybe you will be looking to one illness that you don’t have and you will damage yourself.

There are a lot of famous people who are hypochondriacs, for example: Woody Allen, Andy Warhol and Charles Darwin.

What do you think about it? Do you think it is not true? I think that all of us are hypochondriacs but in different degrees. If you think that hypochondriacs do not exist... what happened around the world with Swine Flu? Everybody believed that they had all the symptoms and they were so good!

dimarts, 20 d’abril del 2010

Improving my English since 4th of ESO

Four days ago, while I was searching some information that I needed from last year, I found an English writing from 4th of ESO. I started to read it and I felt astonished because comparing it with the compositions that I’m doing now, they are really different. Although vocabulary and grammar is not the point that I’ve improved more since last year, I should say that I have improved both of them. Now, I’m going to rewrite the composition trying to correct all the mistakes that I found.

Writing 4th ESO Laura

Taking account that this is one of the first writings that I did in English is easy to improve it, but I think that the part of writing that I’ve improved more is the literal translation.

Moreover, I improved a lot my fluency when I speak. When I used to go to classes of English apart from all that I did in the High School and in the School my pronunciation was so bad, and although nowadays is one of the things that I should continue improving, it had changed a lot.

Well, I think that talk about my improvement with an example it’s easy to understand and check it by yourself.

See you!

Babysitter, "barman", ... something more?

Hello everybody!

Today I’m going to talk about my laboral life. I started “working” when I was fourteen years old. I started looking after a child. He was ten years old and I made classes to him. He’s my neighbour and now he’s doing 2nd of ESO. We enjoyed these summers a lot.

Every morning, we met at nine o’clock and I made some classes to him, including Maths, English, Catalan, Spanish, etc. In the afternoon we used to go to my swimming pool, to the beach, go cycling, walk, or simply, spend some time relaxing ourselves watching TV.

I spend two summers looking after him, the two years before being sixteen, the legal age to start a real work. Since this moment I started to save some money little by little and I realized how expensive live day after day is.

I did sixteen years old on 15th June of 2008 and I was able to start working harder and seriously. The first place that I worked and it’s still the first, because I did not worked in another place, is Mas Gusó. Mas Gusó is a place situated in Sant Pere – Sant Martí d’Empúries road where you can relax a lot. There is a really good atmosphere and also is a really touristic place. It has a restaurant, a wine cellar, a bar, a supplies shop, a fashion shop, Internet, and a lot of things.
This year I’m going to work again there for 3rd year. I work as a “barman”. I make cocktails, big ice creams, drinks, etc. Moreover, I go sometimes to the kitchen because my mother worked there and now I know how to make all the plates.

Last year I did the same summer working hours everyday because of the Research Project, but this year I’m going to do a split shift one of more or less nine hours. At the end of the day I feel really tired but it takes reward at the end of the month!I really like work there; there is a good atmosphere with all the employees and also with the employers. We often make parties during the night. We go to some pubs, to the beach etc.

I like have some working days in my life because is the only way that you start to realize how hard is live nowadays. In my house I never ask for money to my parents. They pay me the food and all the other things I need, I buy them by myself with my money. It is a good way to take responsibility with yourself and start to be independent from your parents.

dijous, 15 d’abril del 2010


If you cross Figueres, Vilafant, Avinyonet de Puigventós and also Vilanant, you will arrive to one village quite significant for me. This village is called Cistella.

Cistella is a village surrounded by forest and mountains with more or less 26 square kilometres and 260 inhabitants. It is not far from Alt Empordà’s capital, more or less fifteen minutes in car. This small village is not a touristic point but neither it is not empty.

This is the perfect place for some days of relax. You have all what you need for a short period. A small shop of supplies, where you can find a little bit of everything, two bars, and a good restaurant. All of them are situated in the middle of the village, in the square.

Cistella also is a good place to take a hike. You can walk to Vilarig that it’s three kilometres from Cistella. Also you can go to Terrades, Llers and if you are so sporty you can arrive to Lladó and a lot of villages more.

My mother is from Cistella, so since I was a child, I go there every weekend. When I was little, I used to go from Saturday morning to Sunday night with my brother and my two little cousins. Now, we only go on Sundays. We meet all the family there and we have lunch all together.

My father and I don’t like stay a lot of time inside the house, we like walk and go outside, so a lot of Sundays, after have lunch, we go around the village. Moreover, we go to the vegetable garden and we take some lettuces, tomatoes, chards, and a lot of vegetables more.

After spend some time with my family and walk with my father, my brother and I took the car and we return to Sant Pere, because we like to see the football match from the team of our village.

This habit of go every weekend to this village has made arouse a special feeling to me and I really like go there because it is a place where I can forget my studies for a while and also is a got way to relax myself.

dimecres, 7 d’abril del 2010

A good remedy for migraines

One year ago, I started to have a lot of strong migraines, and finally doctors after a lot of tests, diagnosed me a critical state of anxiety and distress that was causing these migraines.

After know the origins of my headache I started to look for remedies, because the effect of the pills takes a lot of time before his appearance.

One of the remedies that I found is the acupuncture. There are a lot of people who do not believe in it, but I can say completely that this remedy works.

Acupuncture is a technique of traditional Chinese medicine that consists in introduce little needles in strategic points of the body where the energy passes and by this way, you attack against the pain, in my case, the migraine.
I can say surely that this method works very well. When I go with headache in the surgery, she removes the migraine completely from me and when I’m quite okay she makes me a treatment with the objective to suffer less migraines or do not suffer it to often and hard.

When my mother told me this method I was afraid, because stick needles around all your body seems very painful, but I totally changed my opinion after a lot of sessions.

One distraction that I have when I’m lying on the stretcher is count all the needles that she puts to me, but it’s impossible, because I do not feel nothing when she puts most of them to my body.

Also, a lot of people do not want to go to this therapy because they are afraid of the people who practice it. In my case, I go to Sant Gregori, a village next to Girona, where a woman called Carmen practices me this technique of traditional Chinese medicine. She learned to practice it when she was really young when she went to China, and now she practices it as her job.

Well, I sincerely recommend to you this method, because it’s really efficient and moreover is not expensive and it does not only cures migraines. Last year aproximately for these days, I made a sprain in my ankle and the acupununture solved me this problem.

Easter Holidays

Hello everybody!

Today I will talk about some things that I did in the Easter Holidays. As you know we had a lot of work, so I couldn’t travel in any place.

First of all, on Saturday I slept a lot, because I was really tired of study a lot without any break-time during a lot of weeks. On Saturday’s afternoon, I went to Girona with my mother and I went shopping, I needed it! After that, in the night I went out with my friends around the village, because next day, on Sunday, I had to wake up early.

On Sunday, at nine o’clock in the morning, I left my house in Sant Pere and I went to Cistella, my grandparents village. As we do every year, we wanted to do some fritters (using fourteen kilos of flour!). After leave all the ingredients in my grandparents house, my grandfather said me if I wanted to go with him, and we went to Vilafant, and we saw the “gastronomic trade fair of the rabbit” like every year. After that, we returned to Cistella, and I kneaded a little bit all the mixture to help a little bit my brother that is the person who mixes it until the end. I spend all the afternoon making fritters, and I burnt my hand! In the night I went to SiKim in Empuriabrava because one group of my village was playing there and we wanted to listen them as every concert that they do.

During all the week I didn’t do anything interesting, the only things that I did was sleep until ten o’clock every morning, made the lunch every day and do a lot of work.

On Friday, my father, my mother, my brother and I met with all the people who work with my father and my mother and we had lunch all together and in the afternoon, we made fritters again, because they wanted to do some and nobody did not know how to do it.

On Saturday morning I finished all my work, so I had three days for enjoy and relax myself. On Saturday afternoon I went to Figueres with Laura Peña, we spend a nice afternoon there, and after that, we went to Castelló where at twelve o’clock of the night we took the bus direction Chic. I spend a really nice night to finish with the Easter Holidays.

On Sunday I stayed in home, watching television, sleeping and relaxing a lot, and more or less at seven o’clock I went with my parents to have dinner in L’Escala’s port. after walk one hour around the beaches. After that I went to the beach in Sant Pere Pescador with my brother and his friends while they were fishing.

And the last day, but not the less important was coming. On Monday 5th we wanted to celebrate my great-grandmother’s birthday, she did 102 years this day, but the night before the lunch with all the family she get ill and now she is at the hospital. I do not know what will happen, but I hope that she will get better in time, she is really strong.

Well, this is a “little” summary of my Easter Holidays, and I hope you have enjoyed them a lot, but with a happy ending! ;)
See you.