dimarts, 1 de desembre del 2009


During this first term we have been discussing on some occasions about if youth it’s better than being older.
All the times that we discussed it, I said that in my opinion don’t matter if you are young or old, you can enjoy our lives equally but on different ways.
And that’s the reason why I have chosen this photo now, because it’s a point on favour in my opinion. This is an example of my point of view that youth is not more important than being older.

divendres, 27 de novembre del 2009


Hi everybody!
This afternoon I have been thinking about what I will do this weekend, and there is only one answer: STUDY, STUDY, STUDY and more STUDY.
It’s amazing how quickly have passed that first term of Second Batxillerat. It seems that was yesterday that we came to the High School after our brilliants summers.
Also, we are starting to finish ours Research Projects and it’s a big relief for us, because it had took a lot of time of study or relax.
Well, with this post I don’t want to tell nothing, the only thing that I want is wish a good luck for all my friends (and me too!:P) who will be studying hard this weekend trying to pass the exams of this hard week successfully.
So, well, that’s all for the first term and I will continue writing more, and I hope better, on the second term :)
CU on Monday!

dilluns, 9 de novembre del 2009


Nowadays, a lot of people use masks to represent themselves. The reason that people use masks to express themselves is that they don’t feel secure with their own self.
The reason I’m talking about this topic it’s clear; I’m studying psychology like a modality subject and now, we are doing different works during the class, and I’m working with this topic, PERSONALITY.
I’ve read a lot of articles on the Internet and I think that the biggest problem that we can find in our societies day after day is that people don’t know how they can be themselves.
A lot of people are influenced from different groups of friends, publicities, from a lot of things. This is the reason that a lot of people don’t feel good with themselves, they don’t feel self-satisfied, and they don’t know how express themselves.
Feel self-satisfied it’s very important for one person, because if you feel good with yourself, and you accept you as you are, you will be yourself and maybe you will get happiness. Well, I’ll try to explain me better.
When one person feels bad, maybe, one reason can be that he is not self-satisfied, he is not what he wants and he uses excuses and masks to express himself. He doesn’t express himself as the person that he brings inside.
The way to be a self-satisfied person is hard, but if you try to do it, you will get it. You only must have clear your objectives and be positive all the time.
As Abraham Maslow said, the first step to begin are the physiologic necessities like drink eat, sleep, sex, etc. When you have completed this step, you can go to another; the protection and security necessities. One person must feel secure and protected (physically and psychically). When you passed this step, comes the lovely and acceptation necessities for example; being loved from other people and being of a group of friends, or simply, know that when you’ll need something you will have help from your friends.
And now, there are only two steps more, but also the most difficult to get. The first one is the valuation necessities; that consists in a research of the self-esteem and finds a positive concept of himself. And finally, if you get all these steps, you can get the last one; self-fulfilment necessities. We can define these necessities like; accept ourselves as we are, know our minds, find our objectives, and positive points like these.
To sum up I would like to say the key of the self-satisfaction; BE WHO YOU WANT TO BE; DON’T USE MASKS AND DON’T BE AFRAID TO BE YOURSELF.

diumenge, 25 d’octubre del 2009


Hi! Today I’ve decided talk a Little bit about my Research Project.
There is only a month and a half for the date of the delivery of our work, so we must hurry up because in a few days we will be on 15th of December.
Well, now I’ll tell the topic about my Research Project.
Since we started to think about it, I thought about doing it about something related with agriculture or fruits, because my parents are farmers and since I was born I used to listen things related with this field, and I think that it's a good topic to do a Research Project, because there are not a lot of people interested on it. I started to think about the life cycle of a fruit tree or something like that. The problems start when the topic and my type of Batxillerat were not really compatible, so I decided to change a little bit my idea.
I started to look the different topics proposed from the Institute and I found one interesting topic; Do a research about the vocabulary of one field (for example agriculture, fishing, livestock farming, etc.).
I liked it, so I started to look up for do a Research Project related with it, and finally, I chose my topic (I have not decided the title yet, but it will be similar); “Study of the vocabulary of agriculture on Sant Pere Pescador”.
This project will have a theoretical and a practical part.
The theoretical part will explain some things about lexicography, like what it is, the first lexicographers around the world, the evolution of the lexicography in Catalonia, and things like that.
For the practical part, I did interviews to farmers of Sant Pere Pescador, later I’ve extracted all the vocabulary, I’ve defined all of the words, and finally, I’ll create a little lexicographic work.
I’ve worked a lot this summer on it, so I hope not finish it at twelve o’clock of the day before the delivery.
I’ll say that maybe, it’s a lot of work do the Research Project counting all the work we have from other subjects, but I think that I’ve learned a lot of things since I started to do it, so I think that the day that I’ll finish it, I’ll know a lot of things that one year before I didn’t know that were existing on our lives.

for all the people that are doing this hard project now.:)

dimecres, 14 d’octubre del 2009

11th and 12th October 2009.

Hi! Today I’ll talk about what I did in my “long” weekend.
Firstly I’ll tell you where I went, later some things I saw that I liked a lot and finally some experiences I had.
Well, I only have gone out for two days: Sunday and Monday. I left my home at half past five of the morning and I went direction to the Parc Nacional d’Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici. I arrived here at eleven o’clock of the morning and I walked a lot with one objective: saw the Sant Maurici’s Pond.
There were seven kilometres from the parking to the pond and all of these kilometres were ascendant. It was really hard and we got tired a lot.
Later, we went to lunch and we took our car and afterwards, we went to leave the suitcases to the hotel on Vielha. Later we went to visit the town and we walked there and we took our car again and we went to Baqueira-Beret. I think Baqueira-Beret is one of the places that I liked more.
Well, later, at half past seven – eight of the afternoon we went again to Vielha and we had lunch there until nine o’clock.
When we finished our lunch we went to the hotel, ‘cause we were very tired form hours and hours of car and walk and walk without any stop.
Well, in the hotel, my brother and I had a room and my parents another one. We tried to saw a little the TV but… I couldn’t and I fell asleep… but not for all the night! When my brother switch off the TV, he fell asleep very quickly and there was a problem: he was snoring all the time and I couldn’t sleep.
I tried to sleep from twelve to three of the morning, but I couldn’t. At three o’clock of the morning I took the pillow and I went to the bathroom and I tried to sleep on the bathtub but I was listening the snores too.
At four o’clock of the morning I was really tired and I was desperate, so I called my mother and I went to sleep to my parents room and my father (another snorer person too) went to my bed with my brother. Finally, I could sleep!
We woke up at seven o’clock of the morning, we had lunch at the hotel and we left out the hotel and we went to Andorra.
We spend all the day there and we went shopping! Later, at five o’clock of the afternoon we took the car direction Sant Pere Pescador. We were really tired. We spend two hours trying leaving Andorra, but there were a lot of cars on the road and a large queue.
Finally, after pass five hours inside the car, we arrived to our home, after to pass a lot of bends.
I think it was a really good short travel to disconnect a lot from our daily lives, but I think there were too many bends.
I like the houses from these zone, they’re brilliant, and I laughed a lot when we were at the road and there were a lot of cows and horses walking on the road peacefully!
Another thing that I liked a lot was all the vegetation and nature. It was amazing! All of the landscapes were fascinant, and also, another thing really beautiful was that a lot of times, on the road, you could see water going down for the wall of the mountains and small waterfalls.
The last travel of our family was when I had eight years old, so I think it was time to do another one. In conclusion, apart from the tiredness, it was a really good travel to remember.
If you want to see all the landscapes I saw, here you have a link of the album of photos that I've upload on my Facebook.;)

If you have the opportunity to go there, don’t leave it! You will enjoy it a lot! ;)

dissabte, 10 d’octubre del 2009


Nowadays, people who don't have minimum a computer in their home is a strange person. We are in a period of a big development of new technologies, so a lot of things that we must do are related with the use of computers, mobile phones, cameras, etc.
I think that new technologies are good, but not in a massive use. Yes, we can pass an afternoon talking with our friends on Messenger, or surfing on the Facebook, I did it, and I'm not going to deny it. ;)

Also but, there is another extreme; the hikikomori people. Who are hikikomoris people?
People who are called hikikomoris are persons who pass days, and also someone pass weeks, closed on their rooms without any more contact with the world apart from the new technologies.
The hikikomoris are a big experts of computer games, they are really good hackers, they have uncountable contacts on their social nets (Facebook, Tuenti, Twiter, etc.), and they can pass twenty four hours in a chat without any type of problem.

There is a big problem when their parents want that their son leave his room and going to the street. They will suffer really big problems, like a drug addict without his diary drug. They can suffer anxiety, depression, violent behaviour...

We know that Catalonia isn't Japan, but... who knows if hikikomoris will take prominence in our country?
In this moment, young people in Catalonia are growing learning some positive points, like search information for their homework, projects and things like that, thing that some of their parents can't say , 'cause they don't know how they can use a computer or simply, surf on the net.
But... ATTENTION! We must know the limits ‘cause maybe, if we don’t control us, in five years Catalonia will be full of hikikomoris. We must take in account some limits if we won't to be a hikikomori on the future:
  • Don’t use the Internet more than ten hours weekly.
  • Not spend more than we win with our mobile phone.
  • Don’t change our social activities like go out with friends for play computer games or video games.
  • A lot of points like that.
In my point of view, the most important point it’s the third, ‘cause people can start say: “No... today I’m not going to going out, I’m really tired and I’m going to sleep early”, and later this person starts to play computer games or chatting in a compulsive way.
The studies said that persons who are depressed or have a low self-esteem, are the suitable profile, 'cause theywant to be alone, so a lot of these people start to play computer games, chat with persons who never will know who they are...
To sum up, I think it’s good have a computer, a camera, a mobile phone, etc, but using it consciousness ‘cause it can be really bad for our society lifes. We can lose a lot of friends and in the future only have a friend: THE COMPUTER.

dissabte, 26 de setembre del 2009


Today, I’ll speak about the summer that I had.
Well, I worked at the same place of the summer 2008, in Mas Gusó, on Sant Pere Pescador. I worked as a “barman” on the bar. I did ice creams, cocktails, sangria... a lot of things!
I’ve enjoyed the work and the summer too!
I have had the same timetable every day, from 2:30 of the midday to 23:00 of the night, and I had the mornings free.
On the mornings I used to do my research project, but when I wasn’t doing it I used to go to the beach, to the swimming pool, meet with my friends, basically, enjoy a little bit the summer!
Usually, at the night I used to go to de Tropic Beach, situated on Sant Pere Pescador’s beach, sometimes to Fata, or simply, lay on the beach with my friends and take a relax minutes :)
This is the second year I’ve worked at the same place, and I must say that I really like it. Like all the jobs have good and bad points, but not always all is perfect, so we must value all we have.
Well, tomorrow I’ll go to see off to my friends of Mas Gusó ‘cause tomorrow they’ll clos until next summer. I hope next summer we’ll be all together again! :)
During the summer, I did an album of photos and I post it on my facebook. If you click here, you will see some photos of my summer ;)

P.S: The first photo it's from the dinner that we did on July (there are someone missing), we did it on L'Escala and later we went to party at the discotheque.


Hi people!
Seems impossible that summer have already finished. We are again starting a new course, Second Batxillerat.
I think it will be the most difficult year of all I lead studying in I.E.S Castelló d’Empúries.
Before start the classes, I set myself different objectives. I’ll try to carry out all of them. I thought about study a little bit every day (it will be REALLY difficult, but I’ll try it!), don’t leave all the things for the last day, more concentration in all of the points, don’t go party a lot of nights (:( ...), you know, a lot of objectives like that.
In my opinion, this year it’s really important for our futures, ‘cause if we don’t get a good mark, maybe some of us will be outside the doors of the degree that we want to do, so we must study a lot and try to do our work at the best way it’s possible!
One proof of that this will be a hard year is that we only have gone two weeks to the High School and we’ve already did an exam...!
Well I hope all of us pass this course successfully and we can go together to our Universities, and open other stage of our lives, the independency :)
I wish good luck for all of us, we will need it*