dissabte, 10 d’octubre del 2009


Nowadays, people who don't have minimum a computer in their home is a strange person. We are in a period of a big development of new technologies, so a lot of things that we must do are related with the use of computers, mobile phones, cameras, etc.
I think that new technologies are good, but not in a massive use. Yes, we can pass an afternoon talking with our friends on Messenger, or surfing on the Facebook, I did it, and I'm not going to deny it. ;)

Also but, there is another extreme; the hikikomori people. Who are hikikomoris people?
People who are called hikikomoris are persons who pass days, and also someone pass weeks, closed on their rooms without any more contact with the world apart from the new technologies.
The hikikomoris are a big experts of computer games, they are really good hackers, they have uncountable contacts on their social nets (Facebook, Tuenti, Twiter, etc.), and they can pass twenty four hours in a chat without any type of problem.

There is a big problem when their parents want that their son leave his room and going to the street. They will suffer really big problems, like a drug addict without his diary drug. They can suffer anxiety, depression, violent behaviour...

We know that Catalonia isn't Japan, but... who knows if hikikomoris will take prominence in our country?
In this moment, young people in Catalonia are growing learning some positive points, like search information for their homework, projects and things like that, thing that some of their parents can't say , 'cause they don't know how they can use a computer or simply, surf on the net.
But... ATTENTION! We must know the limits ‘cause maybe, if we don’t control us, in five years Catalonia will be full of hikikomoris. We must take in account some limits if we won't to be a hikikomori on the future:
  • Don’t use the Internet more than ten hours weekly.
  • Not spend more than we win with our mobile phone.
  • Don’t change our social activities like go out with friends for play computer games or video games.
  • A lot of points like that.
In my point of view, the most important point it’s the third, ‘cause people can start say: “No... today I’m not going to going out, I’m really tired and I’m going to sleep early”, and later this person starts to play computer games or chatting in a compulsive way.
The studies said that persons who are depressed or have a low self-esteem, are the suitable profile, 'cause theywant to be alone, so a lot of these people start to play computer games, chat with persons who never will know who they are...
To sum up, I think it’s good have a computer, a camera, a mobile phone, etc, but using it consciousness ‘cause it can be really bad for our society lifes. We can lose a lot of friends and in the future only have a friend: THE COMPUTER.


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