divendres, 27 de novembre del 2009


Hi everybody!
This afternoon I have been thinking about what I will do this weekend, and there is only one answer: STUDY, STUDY, STUDY and more STUDY.
It’s amazing how quickly have passed that first term of Second Batxillerat. It seems that was yesterday that we came to the High School after our brilliants summers.
Also, we are starting to finish ours Research Projects and it’s a big relief for us, because it had took a lot of time of study or relax.
Well, with this post I don’t want to tell nothing, the only thing that I want is wish a good luck for all my friends (and me too!:P) who will be studying hard this weekend trying to pass the exams of this hard week successfully.
So, well, that’s all for the first term and I will continue writing more, and I hope better, on the second term :)
CU on Monday!


Vito Andolini Corleone ha dit...


But... we have a tragic week with all kind of exams waiting us with the arms opened.

And I don't want to be pessimistic, but research project has eaten a three quarters parts of me.

Have a nice study weekend! :)

Laura* ha dit...

I like a lot this picture! jajajaja
And yes, the time pass very quickly!
Bye bye my little blond =)
A lot of kissesss(K)

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