diumenge, 25 d’octubre del 2009


Hi! Today I’ve decided talk a Little bit about my Research Project.
There is only a month and a half for the date of the delivery of our work, so we must hurry up because in a few days we will be on 15th of December.
Well, now I’ll tell the topic about my Research Project.
Since we started to think about it, I thought about doing it about something related with agriculture or fruits, because my parents are farmers and since I was born I used to listen things related with this field, and I think that it's a good topic to do a Research Project, because there are not a lot of people interested on it. I started to think about the life cycle of a fruit tree or something like that. The problems start when the topic and my type of Batxillerat were not really compatible, so I decided to change a little bit my idea.
I started to look the different topics proposed from the Institute and I found one interesting topic; Do a research about the vocabulary of one field (for example agriculture, fishing, livestock farming, etc.).
I liked it, so I started to look up for do a Research Project related with it, and finally, I chose my topic (I have not decided the title yet, but it will be similar); “Study of the vocabulary of agriculture on Sant Pere Pescador”.
This project will have a theoretical and a practical part.
The theoretical part will explain some things about lexicography, like what it is, the first lexicographers around the world, the evolution of the lexicography in Catalonia, and things like that.
For the practical part, I did interviews to farmers of Sant Pere Pescador, later I’ve extracted all the vocabulary, I’ve defined all of the words, and finally, I’ll create a little lexicographic work.
I’ve worked a lot this summer on it, so I hope not finish it at twelve o’clock of the day before the delivery.
I’ll say that maybe, it’s a lot of work do the Research Project counting all the work we have from other subjects, but I think that I’ve learned a lot of things since I started to do it, so I think that the day that I’ll finish it, I’ll know a lot of things that one year before I didn’t know that were existing on our lives.

for all the people that are doing this hard project now.:)


Nuri Galí Bellapart ha dit...

Hi!! Laura I think that your topic of research project is very interesting!! I like the way you write a lot.

A have =) day!!


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