dilluns, 9 de novembre del 2009


Nowadays, a lot of people use masks to represent themselves. The reason that people use masks to express themselves is that they don’t feel secure with their own self.
The reason I’m talking about this topic it’s clear; I’m studying psychology like a modality subject and now, we are doing different works during the class, and I’m working with this topic, PERSONALITY.
I’ve read a lot of articles on the Internet and I think that the biggest problem that we can find in our societies day after day is that people don’t know how they can be themselves.
A lot of people are influenced from different groups of friends, publicities, from a lot of things. This is the reason that a lot of people don’t feel good with themselves, they don’t feel self-satisfied, and they don’t know how express themselves.
Feel self-satisfied it’s very important for one person, because if you feel good with yourself, and you accept you as you are, you will be yourself and maybe you will get happiness. Well, I’ll try to explain me better.
When one person feels bad, maybe, one reason can be that he is not self-satisfied, he is not what he wants and he uses excuses and masks to express himself. He doesn’t express himself as the person that he brings inside.
The way to be a self-satisfied person is hard, but if you try to do it, you will get it. You only must have clear your objectives and be positive all the time.
As Abraham Maslow said, the first step to begin are the physiologic necessities like drink eat, sleep, sex, etc. When you have completed this step, you can go to another; the protection and security necessities. One person must feel secure and protected (physically and psychically). When you passed this step, comes the lovely and acceptation necessities for example; being loved from other people and being of a group of friends, or simply, know that when you’ll need something you will have help from your friends.
And now, there are only two steps more, but also the most difficult to get. The first one is the valuation necessities; that consists in a research of the self-esteem and finds a positive concept of himself. And finally, if you get all these steps, you can get the last one; self-fulfilment necessities. We can define these necessities like; accept ourselves as we are, know our minds, find our objectives, and positive points like these.
To sum up I would like to say the key of the self-satisfaction; BE WHO YOU WANT TO BE; DON’T USE MASKS AND DON’T BE AFRAID TO BE YOURSELF.


_ ha dit...

Waw! My dear companion of psychology!

You're right!
Now a days the people don't know how to be, and the problem is this, we haven't to know how to be, we have to be who we are.

xo xo Mònica

KST TEACHERS ha dit...

What an interesting post you've just written!! Congratulations!!

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