dimecres, 10 de febrer del 2010


We know that Second Batxillerat is a hard year. A lot of things are depending of this course, but the most important think that we have to do is get the higher mark as it is possible, because if we have not good luck on Selectivitat exams, we will be able to enter in the degree we want.

I think that finally, I have decided what I will do in the future. The only think that it’s missing is think about what I’ll do; rent a flat or go everyday to Girona to Sant Pere by car o train.
Finally, I’ve decided that I’ll do Bussines Studies (Ciències Empresarials). The reason why I have choosen this degree basically is for the mark. To enter to this degree it’s necessary a five, and I think I will be able to get this mark. The other possibility is ADE, but the mark is higher, I think that it’s a 6’5 so it is more dificult to get it.

I will not be the only one who will do this degree. If we get the mark, I’ll to this degree with Ariadna Julià, and also Nuri, if she does not go to Barcelona.
These days of Second Batxillerat have been really hards, but I think that it has only just begun, so we must study hard if we want to get our objectives! GOOD LUCK FOR EVERYONE!


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