divendres, 15 de gener del 2010


Always, when starts a New Year, people uses to think about objectives that want to accomplish during the year. I don’t use to do it, but I must say that I think it for myself, and now, I’ll write it here.

Firstly, as a lot of my friends have, I want to pass my Selectivitat exam with best mark it’s possible and be able to do a degree. I think that finally, I’ve decided what I want to do.

Also, I want to pass a lot of time with my friends, as I passed this 2009. I love stay with my friends, I enjoy it a lot.

In my point of view, family it’s really important for me, so I want the best for them. They always are by my side when I need something. For this reason I promise that I will help more on house’s work.

Moreover, I would like to get my drive lisence! I would like to be more independent from my parents and brother and go where I want and when I want.

Apart from these objectives, I want to enjoy this year more than the 2009 and less than the 2011, because we don’t know when we’ll find our end, so we must enjoy all the opportunities that life gives to us!

Well, I think that in a few words I expressed all the important things for me; studies, the best for all the people who’s next to me all the moments, and enjoy our lives, so I wish you a Happy New Year and, GOOD LUCK!


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