dilluns, 3 de maig del 2010

La Trinca

La Trinca was a Catalan music and show group set up by Josep Maria Mainat, Miquel Àngel Pasqual and Toni Cruz. It has been one of the musical phenomenons more popular from the 70’s decade and of the beginning of the eighties in Spain. They started in 1969 and finally, they dissolved the group in 1989.

Their original artistic proposal was based in the social and politic criticism always from the humor and parody point of view with cheeky concerts. They created 38 CD’s during the group life and, moreover they appeared in some TV programs.

I started listen this music group when I was really young, when my grandmother was listening to them in the kitchen while she was doing the lunch during all the morning with a radio cassette.

Nowadays they appeared again in scene with the famous Buscant La Trinca in TV3, which is a program that searched three singers that looked like the real group with the objective of make a musical and act in different cities. They wanted to find La Trinca from the 21st century

La Trinca has a lot of really good songs. Specially, the one that I like more is La Guerra de l’enciam, that talks about the commercialization of the own products to other countries, that is the same say: the Common Market.

Here, you can listen my favorite song of this music group, but I’m sure you have heard it some times!


Laura* ha dit...

Woooow! I like a lot " La Trinca". I laught a lot with their songs and I have four cd's that when I don't have a good day I listen it.
See you Lauraaa!

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