dimarts, 4 de maig del 2010

Final reflection

Today I am going to write the last post in this blog. I am going to do the final reflection.
First of all, I would like to give my opinion about the English Project that we have been doing since first of Batxillerat.

When I realized all the work we had to do last year, I felt astonished, but in few days I got used to it. I started to work hard because I saw that it was the only way to improve my English level, which was so bad. I used to write a lot every term and trying to talk about new ideas for me with the objective of use and learn new vocabulary for me.

This year, I used to do the same. I tried to do the high number of posts as possible but this year we had more work than last year so it was more difficult for me, and I couldn’t carry out my objective.

Although I did fewer posts than last year, this year I used to introduce more key words with the objective of enrich my vocabulary.

From my opinion, I have to say that I agree with this English Project. This project helped me a lot with my English not only for write, also for speak and understand conversations, etc.

However, it made me stressed with all the constantly work, because I did it little by little, because I do not like leave all the work for the lasts days, so moreover, with this project, I learned to be constantly with my work.

To sum up, I would like to say that this project is a good opportunity for people who don’t go to extra English classes like me, because you learn the most important things for move in one English country: write, speak and understand.

Now, is time to look back and compare my first writing in 1st of Batxillerat (email to Gemma) and my last one in 2nd Batxillerat (Advantages of life in the country versus life in the city).

In this last writing, I used to write with more maturity, more vocabulary with different grammar constructions, etc. About my first writing, there was no linking words, no structure, etc. So is easy to see how they have changed in two years.

Furthermore I improved a lot my fluency. When I started to write my blog compositions in 1st of Batxillerat I used to spend a lot of time doing them, and now I can do them quickly and also, I think, better. Is really difficult for me choose my best writing because I did a lot and there are a lot for choose. Moreover, I think that there are more than one that are correctly written.

About my oral English, I also have improved since my first one. In first oral presentation I was so nervous and also I had a bat pronunciation. Now, I speak with more fluency and although I have to continue improve my pronunciation, I have improved it a lot. Here you have an example: my first oral presentation and here, the presentation about my Research Project, that I think that is the best I’ve ever did.

If you want to cheek it by yourself, here you have the link of my 4th of ESO blog and here my first Batxillerat blog and portfolio.

Everything is done now and the only thing missing is thank you for this English Project that has helped me a lot to improve my English! :)

Good luck!

dilluns, 3 de maig del 2010

La Trinca

La Trinca was a Catalan music and show group set up by Josep Maria Mainat, Miquel Àngel Pasqual and Toni Cruz. It has been one of the musical phenomenons more popular from the 70’s decade and of the beginning of the eighties in Spain. They started in 1969 and finally, they dissolved the group in 1989.

Their original artistic proposal was based in the social and politic criticism always from the humor and parody point of view with cheeky concerts. They created 38 CD’s during the group life and, moreover they appeared in some TV programs.

I started listen this music group when I was really young, when my grandmother was listening to them in the kitchen while she was doing the lunch during all the morning with a radio cassette.

Nowadays they appeared again in scene with the famous Buscant La Trinca in TV3, which is a program that searched three singers that looked like the real group with the objective of make a musical and act in different cities. They wanted to find La Trinca from the 21st century

La Trinca has a lot of really good songs. Specially, the one that I like more is La Guerra de l’enciam, that talks about the commercialization of the own products to other countries, that is the same say: the Common Market.

Here, you can listen my favorite song of this music group, but I’m sure you have heard it some times!

Tess of the d'Urbervilles

This is the title of the book that I've read in the third term. Now, I'm going to sumarize it:

Tess is the eldest daughter of a country family, the Durbeyfields. She has a lot of brothers and sisters and she has to help their parents. When they find out that their true ancestors are the noble family of the d'Urbevilles they think of a wedding between Tess and one of them. So, she moves to Trandtridge where she works and lives with the noble family watching for the chickens.

There, she meets Alec who seems the perfect gentleman for her. However, everything changes when they were drinking and dancing with all the workers and Tess wanted to go home. Alec offered himself to brig Tess at home but he raped her in the middle of the forest. She returned to her home and she had a baby. Her family is really angry with her and they don’t want to know anything about the baby and it died by an illness.

She wanted to start her life again and she went to work in a dairy. She learned a lot of new things and moreover, she met a boy; Angel. They felt in love but there was a problem; the families. Angel was from a noble and religious family and they wanted a maiden for him, and Tess was from a modest family and the important thing for them is that he was a gentlemen. Despite this, they get married in December in the dairy house. They were really happy. The only thing that made change their happiness was Tess’s past. She wanted to tell him before, but she couldn’t. Angel decided go to Brazil for a while because he doesn’t accepted Tess’s past.

Everyday Tess family goes worst and she met again with Alec of the d’Urbervilles, who didn’t know that Tess had a baby. When Tess father’s died, Alec offered to her family go to a house that he gives to them. Angel never returns and their writings never arrive. Alec convinces Tess that her husband will never return and he decided try to marry Tess again, he loved her. At these moment, Angel returned and Tess decided kill Alec and go with Angel. They try to escape from the country but police arrested Tess and finally, she gets executed.

Although it’s a sad story I will recommend to people who like thriller novels. When you start reading you cannot stop because every moment are happening interesting things.