dimarts, 23 de febrer del 2010


Hi everybody!

As you know these last weekends have been Carnivals from different villages, and they are still continuing. I get dressed of military. We were thirteen.

The first day that I went to Carnival’s party was Saturday 13th of February. I decided do not go to Roses on Friday because the weather was really bad and I always fall ill very quickly, so I preferred to stay in home and feel really good in Saturday.

On Saturday, at five o’clock of the afternoon the Carnival started in Sant Pere. We went to the floats parade and we enjoyed it a lot. Later, we went to my house and we had dinner. At eleven o’clock of the night, we went again to the floats parade. The weather was really cold, so we stayed all the parade under the float dancing, dancing and dancing! Finally, we went to Centre Civic where we met with other friends. I can describe this day with one word: FANTASTIC.

Last weekend, was Castelló’s Carnival. In Friday I went to Empuriabrava but I only did the float parade because I was really tired from the week and I decided go to sleep. Moreover, my parents and my brother were looking the parade and I did not wanted that they had to come again for me to Empuriabrava.

The last day that I went to Carnival was Saturday 20th, in Castelló. We did not arrived late, but all the floats were already and we were the last float of the parade so we finished very late. After that, I went with all my friends to the party and we met other people there. In my opinion I think that there were too much people there, I was feeling really overwhelmed. I decided to leave the party and go outside. Since this moment I can say that the night finished for me. Since this moment started a lot of things that I did not want that they happen, so my last Carnival night did not finished from the best way possible.

After these two weekends I can say that 2010 Carnival is finished, because next weekend I will not go to Fortià because I have a lot of exams next week and I have to study a lot because I want good marks from my exams, and I will to the same like a lot of animals in winter; hibernate!

Good luck for the exams to everybodyy!

diumenge, 14 de febrer del 2010


Hello everybody!
As you maybe will know this weekend have been Sant Pere’s Carnival and obviously last afternoon – night I going out party with my friends. After pass a really good Carnival, I woke up at one o’clock of the midday and I had lunch with my family. After that, seeing the situation of my family (my father working harder like every day, my mother was feeling really bad, and my brother was working with his “buggie”) I decided to made a cake. I’m sure you know the way of do this simply cake, but I’ll write it here if someone do not know how do it! :)

First of all, I switched on the oven with 180 degrees. Secondly, I started adding:

  • three eggs
  • one lemon yogurt (it can be natural, doesn’t matter).

I used the jar yogurt to add the correctly measures of sugar and flour:

  • three jars of flour
  • two jars of sugar

I mixed up a little bit this mixture and I added a packet of Royal. Then I mixed up all the ingredients with the mixer and I put the mixture to the dish that I dipped before with butter. Finally, I put it in the oven. I waited for 35-40 minutes and the cake it’s already! For finish with it, I added icing sugar under the cake.

Every Sunday I’m studying or with my friends, and today I was tired from yesterday's party and I decided to do something different, and I wanted to do something for my family and how I like cooking, this is the result of a little part of my Suday afternoon!

See you!

dimecres, 10 de febrer del 2010


We know that Second Batxillerat is a hard year. A lot of things are depending of this course, but the most important think that we have to do is get the higher mark as it is possible, because if we have not good luck on Selectivitat exams, we will be able to enter in the degree we want.

I think that finally, I have decided what I will do in the future. The only think that it’s missing is think about what I’ll do; rent a flat or go everyday to Girona to Sant Pere by car o train.
Finally, I’ve decided that I’ll do Bussines Studies (Ciències Empresarials). The reason why I have choosen this degree basically is for the mark. To enter to this degree it’s necessary a five, and I think I will be able to get this mark. The other possibility is ADE, but the mark is higher, I think that it’s a 6’5 so it is more dificult to get it.

I will not be the only one who will do this degree. If we get the mark, I’ll to this degree with Ariadna Julià, and also Nuri, if she does not go to Barcelona.
These days of Second Batxillerat have been really hards, but I think that it has only just begun, so we must study hard if we want to get our objectives! GOOD LUCK FOR EVERYONE!