divendres, 15 de gener del 2010


Always, when starts a New Year, people uses to think about objectives that want to accomplish during the year. I don’t use to do it, but I must say that I think it for myself, and now, I’ll write it here.

Firstly, as a lot of my friends have, I want to pass my Selectivitat exam with best mark it’s possible and be able to do a degree. I think that finally, I’ve decided what I want to do.

Also, I want to pass a lot of time with my friends, as I passed this 2009. I love stay with my friends, I enjoy it a lot.

In my point of view, family it’s really important for me, so I want the best for them. They always are by my side when I need something. For this reason I promise that I will help more on house’s work.

Moreover, I would like to get my drive lisence! I would like to be more independent from my parents and brother and go where I want and when I want.

Apart from these objectives, I want to enjoy this year more than the 2009 and less than the 2011, because we don’t know when we’ll find our end, so we must enjoy all the opportunities that life gives to us!

Well, I think that in a few words I expressed all the important things for me; studies, the best for all the people who’s next to me all the moments, and enjoy our lives, so I wish you a Happy New Year and, GOOD LUCK!


I’m sure you know something about social networks. Nowadays, they are really currents on the adolescents conversations. Social networks are social structures where social relations are created between the members of one community. Social networks are forms of communication where people exchange information about their ideas, preferences, groups, photos, videos, etc.

Social networks were created more or less on 2001 and 2002, but they started to grow on 2003, with the appearance of Myspace. Quickly, a lot of companies started to think with create a social network to get a lot of people using it. Social networks started to grow when users started to invite their friends and his family and they started to grow a lot.

Myspace, Tuenti, Twitter, Facebook, del.icio.us, etc. I’m sure you have heard a lot of times these words. They are examples of social networks. Nowadays, the biggest social network is Facebook.
is a social network based on the exchange of photos and videos too with the registered users. This web was created originally for the Harvard University’s students, on United Estates. Actually, is a social network open to all the people around the world who have an e-mail. Facebook was created on the 4th of February of 2004, and on 2007’s February, it was the biggest social network on the world, with more than 30 millions of users.
Social networks help you to meet a lot of new people from around the world, talk with your friends, comment photos, videos, etc., but also they have disadvantages. A lot of companies uses Facebook for obtain information about people who will work with them, and as the news said, a lot of people have lost their job. If you want to lose your work... here you have an example! looool

So... well, you have to pay attention what you write and where you do it, it could be really bad for you!

dimarts, 5 de gener del 2010


The film tells the story about a boy called Charlie who lives in the middle of the poverty with his parents, his grandparents and grandmothers.
Near to his house there is the biggest chocolate factory in the world, owned by Willy Wonka.
Charlie is a boy who understands a lot the economical situation of his family and he only eats chocolate for his birthday, because his parents give him a chocolate tablet.
Willy Wonka is the best producer of chocolate and also he’s the most inventive and innovative of the world. The reason that Willy Wonka closed his factory to the public was the espionage. A lot of people wanted to know the recipe to create this delicious chocolate.
One day, Willy Wonka decides open his factory to five children around the world. He puts five golden tickets on five chocolate tablets and he distributed them worldwide. The five children who find these tickets will be able to enter inside the factory with one member of his family.
Charlie only has an opportunity to get this ticket, his birthday present. On the chocolate tablet that his parents gave to him for his birthday, there wasn’t the golden ticket. One day, Charlie found a ticket money on the floor and it was his last opportunity. Charlie went to buy a Wonka Chocolate tablet, and there was the last golden ticket.
Next day Charlie went to the factory with his grandparent, who worked a lot of years with the chocolate, and he discovered a really beautiful world inside. Charlie was the winner of the big prize that was randomly with the other four children. This big prize was that who was the winner, in the future, would have the pleasure to lead the famous factory of chocolate.
Charlie rejected the offer because he had to leave his family and he preferred the family before directing a famous factory.
If you want, here you have the trailer of the movie:

I agree that this film is a little bit childish, because the world that there is inside the factory is not really real, but the message that it want to transmit is really beautiful; before a lot of money and recognition, Charlie wants to be next to his family.
In my point of view, this argument it’s really good, because it’s a film that a lot of children will see a really important thing of our lives: family is more important than the whole money that exist around the world.